ESG: A Bottom-Up View
At Jennison, we seek to create sustainable returns for our clients. ESG considerations are integrated with our investment process and are integral to this endeavor.
Our Approach
Globally, companies and their investors are navigating a rapidly evolving ESG landscape. Changes in environmental policy, technological innovation, and consumer awareness are creating new sources of ESG-related opportunity and risk. We approach ESG from a bottom-up, fundamental perspective which is consistent with the approach we have taken to security research since our founding over 50 years ago.
ESG is a Process, Not an Event
At Jennison, we believe ESG issues can affect the long-term performance of a company and its securities, but they have to be considered judiciously with a deep understanding of both the issues and the company being examined. Our commitment to holistic, thoughtful research has helped us achieve success for our clients from 1969 to the present day.
Jennison is a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is committed to continuing to build out more explicit and transparent ESG processes.
Active Stewardship
Our first priority is to safeguard the best interests of our clients. Across our equity and fixed income teams we consider the potential risks and opportunities of various factors, including ESG, and their impact on a company’s financial prospects or business model. Where we find areas of concern in our investments, we express our views through engagement.
Contact Us
ESG issues are multi-dimensional and we believe they should not be reduced to single scores and judged solely on that basis. Please contact us to learn more about Jennison’s approach to ESG.
Knowing the fundamentals of each issuer is key to the authentic, thoughtful application of ESG factors in investments. Context enhances risk management and deepens insight.